Last weekend Phoenix reached triple digits, which is a little early even for here. We decided it was time to set up Silas' splash pad. I'm so glad it survived the long 8 months in the garage!
Silas takes to water like plant to sunlight. In fact, I think Silas would live outside if we let him!
He spent a good hour and a half in the splash pad, even after we turned the hose off.
And the next day he couldn't wait to get back out in it! Unfortunately, he had to wait until after our busy day of church, errand and a nap.
He was so wiped out that he crawled up in his rocking chair.
When he woke up he bee lined it right to the back door and asked "peas" to go out!
After some coaxing, I was able to get him to try out his swing again.
He was a little hesitant at first.
But warmed up after a few seconds of being pushed.